Saturday, March 5, 2011

Preventing Allergic Conjunctivitis

It is difficult to prevent allergic conjunctivitis triggered by seasonal allergens. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of exposure. The simplest precautions can be taken to avoid conjunctivitis, such as withhold from rubbing or touching your eyes unnecessarily. Try to limit time spent outside, especially in parks or densely pollinated areas. Avoid wearing the same clothing, such as a favorite pair of jeans or a sweatshirt, from day to day without washing because allergens can cling to the material. Wearing glasses as opposed to contacts can decrease the amount of allergens, such as pollen, that stick to the contacts and irritate the conjunctiva. If contacts are necessary, be sure to clean them regularly to remove any allergen build-up. Any other measure that limits exposure will aid in preventing the inflammatory response.

In terms of non-seasonal allergens, the same principles of reducing exposure apply. Smoke-induced allergies can be prevented by avoiding second-hand smoke. For example, if staying in a hotel, request a room far away from smoking areas. Stop using cosmetics, hairspray, cologne and perfume that triggers allergies. Try using formulations labeled hypoallergenic because they are less irritating.

Tackling pet dander and dust mites can seem like a daunting task, but maintenance measures are the key to keeping these allergens at bay. Regularly cleaning your house will reduce the level of pet dander and dust mites. Be sure to use wet cloths or a cleaning spray to dust, as this will catch the allergens instead of pushing them into the air. Opting for hard wood and other flooring as opposed to carpet can aid in cleaning because the dust mites have nothing to cling to when vacuuming. Using an air purifier will filter the allergens out of the air. Lowering the temperature and decreasing humidity by using a dehumidifier will create an unfavorable environment for the dust mites. Specific dust mite killers are also available in sprays, which can safely eliminate them from anywhere in your home.

Brushing reduces pet dander
Brushing and washing your pet regularly can reduce the amount of dander released into the home. Designate a place, preferably your bedroom, where your pet is not allowed; this will help in reducing dander exposure, even during sleep. Be sure to wash clothes, bedding and any other materials regularly to remove the pet dander and dust mites.

Don't be discouraged if you still experience symptoms, even if you followed all of these recommendations. It only takes a few tiny particles to trigger an allergic response, but by making these preventative measures part of a routine, the level of exposure will decrease and your general health will improve. If these measures don't prevent allergic conjunctivitis, you may want to try relieving symptoms through non-pharmacological treatments before moving on to medications.

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